Well, I have been out of school for 2+ weeks and still have not blogged...ridiculous!
Highlights of the last month:
caving with outdoor club
end of the year fun in class
last day of school
finishing cleaning my classroom
lifeguarding again
deMeng class in Topsfield and Todd Farm Flea Market
3rd wedding anniversary
offer accepted on house
14 more shirts to the artisan gallery in noho (all the rest sold)
cleaning bedroom closet
lots and lots of ice cream
starting camp again (but only part time)
rarely working mornings
first bike ride of the summer
I'm not quite sure where the last two weeks went. I worked some and definitely slept too. But the art has taken a back burner as I obsess in my imagination about the house...sigh, the house. So much work but so pretty and very exciting. Due to the house on the horizon I am trying to organize and purge the apartment of needless crap. But I really should be doing art because thinking about the house too much makes me crazy. I have so many projects started that need love and attention. I will post more as I move along.