Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Good Day, Bad Day, and Quotes

So Friday was an AWFUL day, but then again the whole school had an awful day. The kids were just insane and rude. The quote on Friday that made my made my day...bouncy ball having lunch in my room, turns to me and says "You're really fair Mrs. Greene." I said, "Thanks, I try really hard." That made the whole day better...even though today he was bouncy pens off the ceiling...sigh.

Today and Monday were great. My classes all took a turn for the better. Today's quotes: "You're such a cool teacher" and "This is rated 5-star hard, Mrs. Greene!"


greenezo said...

hey thats awesome! glad that the kids have had some positive things to say :)

Carol Soules said...

woohoo..you ARE awesome....................

Carol Soules said...

hey so I just happened to re-read this blog and think: maybe bouncy ball bounces pens off the ceiling so he can have lunch in the classroom of the very fair Mrs Greene...hehehe